Septic Systems
Septic Tank Locating :: Buyer Beware!!!
Can you answer these questions?
- Do you know where the septic tank is located?
- Do you know where the septic
field is located?
- What is the purpose of your septic inspection?
Septic Disposal System is composed of two parts,
the septic tank and the septic disposal field. This requires the
work of a Qualified Person licensed by Nova Scotia Environment
(NSE). Any repairs are to be conducted by a Qualified Installer
based on the recommendations of a Qualified Person. Does the person
conducting the septic inspection have Errors and Omissions Insurance
who is conducting the work? Are they Licensed with NSE?
A list of
Qualified Persons can be obtained from NSE at (902) 424-7773 or at
wwns.ca (click on
"Members Directory" and select "County", press "Search", then scroll
through the names.)
House to the septic tank pipeline video
inspection does not require the services of a Qualified Person and
can be conducted by anyone so Buyer Beware!!! when
using these people. If you do not see the Pipeline Inspection
Company or name of the Person who works for the Pipeline Inspection
Company listed above on the WWNS website or listed with NSE claiming
to be conducting Septic Inspections, Buyer Beware!!!.
Do they have Errors and Omissions Insurance for providing advice on
the septic system and Commercial General Liability Insurance for
releasing sewer gases into homes or damages to the septic pipe when
removing and or installing the cleanout plug or toilet for video
inspection work or removing and installing septic tank covers?
It has come to my attention there is a lot of
misinformation being provided with respect to on-site septic systems
for first time buyers from certain individuals in the septic
industry. I have been informed by various Realtors and first time
buyers that a certain Septic Pumper (who is not on my list under
septic pumpers mentioned below) has been providing conflicting
information confusing them and clients who know nothing about septic
systems. The Septic Pumper has been indicating to first time buyers
a "Non-Invasive Septic Field and Surrounding Area Inspection with
dye test" is not required, that the septic tank should be pumped out
first and/or then maybe do a scope from tank to field.
Various problems with this approach are:
- the tank is buried and no one knows where it is so it will have to be located
- some septic pumpers not indicating the type of tank or disclosing problems
with the septic tank after it has been pumped (I was personally contacted by a
lady from England who bought a property locally who had septic leaching all over
the ground after she moved in and was only provided a receipt indicating septic
tank had been pumped prior to closing as part of the agreement, no one told her
it was a rusted barrel with a top that fell apart when tank was dug up to be
pumped out)
- there are many properties where the tank is too deep to be able
to run the camera from the tank outlet to the septic field
- tank outlet
cover is not easily accessible or present
- camera inspection from tank to
field can only be as far the tee-connection, may be able to negotiate camera one
way or the other past the tee-connection but there are no guarantees
- camera
inspection in the pipe is only as good as to the absence of any sludge or liquid
in the pipe which would obstruct any visual observations in the pipe
- camera
does not tell us anything about seepage from the septic field to areas down
slope of the septic field such as surrounding water bodies, ditches, etc.
- we
have done video inspections in pipes where a certain Septic Pumper mentioned
above had a client in tears and indicated there was a problem with the septic
field when it was just a tree root pushing up on the pipe exiting the septic
tank to the septic field and the other side of the pipe and drainage into the
field indicated no problems
- we have done inspections where the tank had
been leaking at a crack in the concrete structure of the septic tank and the
effluent level in the septic tank before it was pumped out was 2 feet below the
outlet pipe and it was not mentioned by the Septic Pumper, so no liquid or
limited effluent was ever reaching the septic field and the camera inspection
from the septic tank to the septic field indicated no sludge challenges in the
pipe, however the septic dye test showed wet areas with no odour where effluent
had leached out of the septic tank onto the ground up slope of the septic
disposal field
- I have been informed by buyers that the certain Septic
Pumper mentioned above, when retained by the sellers to pump out the septic tank
made the most ridiculous statement "it is natural for septic to flow back into
the septic tank from the septic field and they have sometimes had to come back
twice within days to the same property to pump out the septic tank." THIS IS BS.
The danger is that the sellers and the sellers agent wrote into the contract the
Septic Pumper's statement to assist with the sale, however the buyer retained our
services and were able to terminate the deal based on our inspection and
information contradicting the statement by the Septic Pumper.
There are 4 levels to licensing of
individuals for septic in Nova Scotia, so be careful where you get
your advise:
Septic pumpers at the bottom of the list, are
licensed by NSE to only pump out septic tanks and there are only
a small group who will actually write down the observations they
see with recommendations and only have Commercial Liability
Insurance so they are not Qualified Persons to provide advise
which would hold them accountable unless they had Error and
Omissions Insurance. Qualified pumpers on file with Atlantic
Water Investigations Limited who conduct this work are:
- AB Septic Tank Pumping - (902) 456-5011
- Conrad's Septic Services Ltd.
Septic Installers next level up are licensed
by NSE who are qualified to dig into the septic field, conduct
repairs and install septic systems that have been selected by
Qualified Person Level 1 and Level 2, only have Commercial
Liability Insurance; Companies on file with Atlantic Water
Investigations Limited who are licensed and qualified to install
alarms and conduct this work (who as of this date are licensed &
qualified installers) are:
- Fred Dunphy
Construction - (902) 435-4171
- Glenn Baker Contour Excavation
& Septic - (902) 209-2125
- Trent Eisenhauer of Trentstar Excavating
- (902) 789-3444
Qualified Person is an individual
licensed by NSE who can select pre-engineered systems for 3 or 4
bedrooms that meet the regulatory separations distances, must
have Errors and Omissions Insurance and are accountable for any
advice they provide; contact NSE at (902) 424-7773 and or
click here to view the list
Septic Engineers are engineers
licensed by NSE to select and design septic systems for
malfunctioning septic systems on residential properties, small
lots, municipal, institutional or commercial properties.
QP1 Engineering Companies on file with Atlantic Water
Investigations Limited who conduct this work are:
- Steve Williams of MacWilliams
109 Chain Lake Drive, Halifax, NS,
B3S 1B3; Tel: (902) 450-1414 / Fax: (902) 450-1424
David Roy,
Engineered Liquid Solutions Ltd., 902-483-2009,
Tom Giovennetti of Civ
Tech Engineering and Surveying Limited Tel: (902) 434-4600/ Fax: (902) 434-9856
- ... or
contact NSE at (902) 424-7773 or
click here to view the list.