Septic Systems Pan & Tilt Robotic Crawler Camera Colour Video Pipeline Inspection Portable Pan and Tilt Color Camera Video Inspection System Features Our sturdy, powerful, versatile portable inspection system design is unique, and was built with the operator in mind. Our system provides the power and capability of a truck with the portability of a person for mainline inspections. Those companies with a van, but find they sometimes cannot get to manholes in tight or distant places, then our system is the way to go there. For those weary with clumsy, multi-piece portable inspection systems, our system is the way to go. Our system is built from proven quality components, all conveniently integrated on a heavy-duty cart with large 10 inch pneumatic wheels for a smooth ride wherever you go, and includes a full keyboard to allow us to enter complete textual messages quickly. There are no compromises between the capabilities of a truck and our system, and nothing to carry along or leave behind. Where other portable inspection systems require the operator to stand with their back to the manhole while operating, our system turns this around for a safer position. This provides two great benefits. First, the operator no longer has to glance back and forth between the manhole and the monitor to do the inspection. Now, both can be viewed simultaneously, with the screen and manhole both in front. This reduces the risk of RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) that can be common with this type of activity). Second, this design is far safer, and removes the risk of accidentally stepping backwards into an open manhole. Our tractor and cable will transport and power our pan and tilt color (PTC-360) camera which will let you see what is going on-quickly and clearly. The PTC-360 provides excellent image quality and unparalleled maneuverability. Where most cameras require the operator to direct their every move, the PTC-360 is pre-programmed to conduct the most common scans at the touch of a button. Where most cameras need to be panned or rotated separately, the PTC-360 will do both motions simultaneously.
Mounted on linear bearings, the footage counter sends distance information directly to the screenwriter, which is then displayed on the monitor. You will always know where you are in the pipe, and distance information can automatically be stored on any video. Unique Features of Our Portable Inspection System
Push Type System with Built in 512 hertz sonde transmitter:
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